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Published on 21/08/2024

WYATT Neil BSc (Hons) Sadly passed away on 16 July 2024, aged 67 years. Dearly loved brother of Patricia, Sheila and Richard, proud father of Matthew, loved uncle to Darren, Julie and Victoria. Served in Royal Engineers, worked at Nestle, Ralph Butterfield School and Cllr Haxby Town Council. Lifelong academic and musician.

Funeral Service will take place at Haxby Methodist Church on Wednesday 28th of August at 1pm. All enquiries to J Rymer Funeral Directors, Tel 01904 624320

Chairman: Jim Wood   Secretary: Steven Rowley
    Mobile: 07704 374773
    01423 524958

Section Meetings held on the last Sunday in the Month @ 2pm between
September and April at The Coronation Hall, Boroughbridge. (YO51 9BL)



Sunday 7th January Social meeting Boroughbridge
Wednesday 10th January Harewood Lunch Meeting   12.00
Wednesday 24th January Our annual fish and chip supper, @ the Wetherby Whaler at Guiseley For - the post code is LS20 8LZ
Sunday 28th January Section Meeting Coronation Hall Boroughbridge 2.00
(Speaker Dick Weekes to give a talk on Calthorpes)

Wednesday 14th February Harewood Lunch Meeting            12.00
Sunday 25th February Section Meeting Coronation Hall Boroughbridge 2.00
(Geoff Brazendale to speak) STUDIO

Wednesday 13th March Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
Sunday 31st March Annual Auction of parts @ Coronation Hall Boroughbridge  1.30

Wednesday 10th April Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
Sunday 21 April Spring Run 10.30 to 11.00
Meeting at South Lodge on the Harroge Road, Ripon
Mick Hutchinson 07977 333629
Wednesday 24th April Meet & Eat at Sun Inn Norwood     6.00
Sunday 28th April Mick Seward'sWindmill Industrial estate morning till tea time. Founders Relay Rally to be held at Mick Sewards place (I will confirm details later).

Wednesday 8th May          Harewood Lunch Meeting            12.00
Sunday 19th May Wetherby Run - to start from Brewery as usual 10.30 to 11.00 -
Graham Wilson 07772 724078
Sunday 26 May Coronation Run – to start from Coronation Hall 10.30 to 11.00 -
Keith Hudson 07835 995059

Wednesday 5th June Stutton Evening Run - Wednesday 7.00 to start from Hare & Hounds Stutton - Terry Parsons
Wednesday 12th June                Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
Wednesday 26th June    Presidents Run Sun Inn meet 11.00 - Terry Parsons
(Meet at the Sun Inn Norwood for a run out and lunch. Cars or Bikes) - return to Sun Inn For Meal

Sunday 7th July Inn Run Usual long run starting from Sun Inn Norwood
- 10.00 to 10.30 to Reath and return - Steve Rowley 07704374773
Wednesday 10th July Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
Wednesday 17th July Harewood Evening Run WED 7.00 - Paul Rogers 01943 252755
( New venue – Harewood Arms Harewood – food available before or after run)
Sunday 28th July Golden Era Run – 15th running for pre 31 bikes / chairs or 3 wheelers. Final details to be arranged by The Committee

Wednesday 11th August Topcliffe Run to start from the Gliders Club Sutton Bank
- 10.00 to 10.30 - Steve Rowley 07704374773
Sunday 14th August Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00

Sunday 1st September High Trees / Dales Run to start from High Trees Garden Centre - 10.30 to 11.00 - organiser Susie Weekes
Wednesday 11th September Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
Sunday 29th September   Boroughbridge Run to start from Coronation Hall 10.30 to 11,00
- Keith Hudson 07835995059 Run before first winter meeting
(Followed by meeting at the Coronation Hall )
Section Meeting       2.00

Wednesday 9th  October Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
Sunday 27th October Section Meeting Coronation Hall Boroughbridge 2.00
(TBC speaking)

Wednesday 10th November Remembrance Day run to Breary Banks
Sunday 13th November Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
Sunday 24th November AGM  Coronation Hall Boroughbridge   2.00

Wednesday 11th December             Harewood Lunch Meeting           12.00
  Christmas Lunch poss 4th Dec and Fish & Chip Supper date TBC

All meetings will be held in the big hall on the ground floor. I am assured that this is to aid disability access to meetings and for NO other reason.  Thanks, Neil.


There are also the informal lunch meets every second Wednesday at 12.00 noon. At present
these are at the Harewood Arms Harrogate Road Harewood LS17 9LH

Update 6th April 2024

Dear Members,

I have not been able to talk to Mick Seward but one expects the usual Relay Rally stop times.
Perhaps more details will come about in the April Journal? South Lodge, Ripon is the venue I can now confirm.
On the right hand side if travelling from Harrogate. There is a large car park.

Unfortunately our March Section notes were censored once again and I therefore publish them on this site.
I find it appalling that one cannot step outside of the official narrative and critically think out the implications for the majority of members.

I understand that some may be on board with the tyranny going on or simply asleep to it. BUT we should have a choice without coercion.

Freedom of speech and expression are a human right and like cash; use it or lose it. (That also includes our old bikes, I did warn you).

I'm sure you all remember track and trace etc: My advice while out on a run is to have a pay as you go dumb phone.

With the so called smart devices. Your movements can be traced. Wait until you are restricted in a 15 minute City. 5G towers are a different technology (A weapon) with no Risk Assessment or safety data.

They were erected while most folks put themselves under voluntary house arrest. (Parties at No 10 anyone) It's all about fear and manipulation.

If I say any more truth I'll go the way of Julian Assange or worse (A very long list) The truth will out.

Hope you had a good Easter, enjoy a weekend of Sunshine before the Chem Trails return..



Golden Era Run 15


The North East Section VMCC will organise the 15th Golden Era Run, an event for pre-1931 motorcycles and three wheelers which is open to members of the VMCC, Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club and those of Overseas Clubs. (Day membership of the VMCC is available at £5.00 if needed)

The start and finish are at The Yorkshire Air Museum Elvington, YO41 4YW We are pleased that the management of the Yorkshire Air Museum are again happy to host the event, which as you all know, is now a well-established annual event in the calendar.

As in previous years there will be a choice of two circular routes tackling intricate courses around quiet lanes and byways: -

A flat route of approx. 35 miles suitable for even the earliest single speed machines;

Or the longer route of some 60 miles for those who relish more of a challenge.

The entry fee for the event is £35.00 and includes tea or coffee enroute, a traditional roast lunch on return in the Halifax Suite, an event programme and a unique commemorative award.

The fee for passengers, which includes the meal, is £25.00. Extra meals are also available at additional cost of £20.00 per head but must be booked in advance.

An entry form accompanies this invitation. (There is a word version for those of you whom have developed computer skills and should be able to complete this filling in the boxes).

There are also facilities for electronic payment included if you want to do it all online which is a massive help.

Advance entry is essential, as no entries are accepted on the day and there will be a limit of 70 UK riders (plus any overseas entrants) for the event.

The closing date for entries to be included in the programme is Friday 12th July 2024

Places will be allocated strictly on a first come basis.

Confirmation of entry and final instructions will be sent out after closing date.


General Info: Steven Rowley Mob. 07704 374773,
Entries: Graham Wilson 160 Green Lane Cookridge Leeds LS16 7JQ Tel: 0113 217 6509; Mob: 0777 272 4078;

Welcome to Yorkshire for accommodation details


Application form for the Golden Era Run 15 is available on Word or PDF

SECTION NOTES:  North East   March 2024

Neil Wyatt. Tel. No. 01904 765107       e-mail:
                                                             Web Site:

members attended our Christmas social on 7th January. A self-written poem was read by Noel Whittall. The Secretary continues to look into the whereabouts of the George Read Scott in the hope that it might be ridden at the Golden Era run.

Don’t forget our Annual auction on the last Sunday in March. A slightly earlier start time, see web site calendar. (1.30pm) A couple of years ago, my comment on Fred Spaven’s electric motorcycle (Printed in our journal) was censored. And yet Fred has returned in recent issues to continue his Green political diatribe, how was this allowed without being addressed, where none of what was printed is nothing to do with the preservation and continued enjoyment of vintage and classic motorcycles. Basic science say that CO2 is the gas of life and yet it has been demonized, while oil is the second most abundant liquid on Earth!

Update 14/1/2024

Steve has booked: the Wetherby Whaler at Guiseley for our annual fish and chip supper.

We are booked in for 6.00 pm.on Wednesday 24 January.

For those who don't know the venue the post code is LS20 8LZ

Looking forward to seeing you there. Fingers crossed for some good weather.!!!!!!!!!

On another matter can I ask any of our older members who may have held any of the sections archives or minute books to to have a search through to see if they hold any old meeting minute books.

We are looking for information regards to the George Read Scott. Secretary contact details on the header.

Finally a reminder that we will be holding our annual auction of parts etc on the 31st of March at Boroughbridge.. Now 's the time to sort out the corners of the garage/shed for things you no longer need.

X2 Copies can be provided.

Happy New Year to all.



Updated 25th November 2023


Agenda for the Annual General Meeting to be held @ 2.00 pm on November 26 th 2023 at the Coronation Hall Boroughbridge.

Present :-

Opening Address :- The Chairman

To include a minutes silence for the following members or friends of the section that we have lost in the last year.

Eric Alderson
Dick Finnemore
Don Redhead
Kath Robinson
Roger Bond

Please let me know if there are any names missing from this list so they can be recorded in the minutes.

Apologies for Absence :-

New Members :-

Minutes of the AGM held December 4 th 2022 :- The Secretary will read out the minutes of the last AGM. These will be approved by:- and
Seconded by :- A vote to accept will be held.

Before we proceed with meeting
Chairman :-
Treasurer :-
Secretary :-
Event Secretary:-
Webmaster and Journal Scribe :-

Vote of Thanks ?

Election of officials :- I have had no indication of interest from anyone wishing to
stand for the roles of Chairman , Secretary , Event Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster

I believe everyone is willing to continue to stand for a further year .

However anyone wishing to stand for any of these position will be asked to now come
forward :-.

If anyone comes forward Mr President will hold a vote for the position.

If no one comes forward we will ask for a proposer for the existing officials to be
reinstated en bloc.

Mr President will be asked to ask for a show of hands to vote in our officials.

Past Events :-
Graham has given his report on the years runs
Has anyone any comment on the past years events or meetings

2023 Events Calender :- A calendar of next years events will be distributed all the
events and runs should this year run as scheduled.

Any questions or queries ? :-

We have booked all the Coronation Hall meetings/events and we have had
confirmation from the Hall and our cheque has been presented to the Bank ( after
the cut of date for this years accounts )

The only events to be finalised will be:-

The date and venue for the fish and chip supper in January – Any suggestions

The Venue for the Spring Run in April – Can Nigel confim this now.

The Christmas Lunch -2024

Charitable Donations :- Last year donations were made to Martin House, Yorkshire
Air Ambulance and Versus Arthritis . We reverted to our usual £100 donations .
Any alternative charities can be suggested and voted on.

Final choices to be discussed and agreed
proposed by :- Seconded :- Vote to be held.

Change in Fees :- Last Year due to financial situation as detailed by Brian the
following changes were proposed and agreed by unanimous vote. :-
Tea and Coffee at meetings to be increased to £2.00

Run fees to be increased to £4.00

It was agreed that we would review these changes today.
I don’t think this had a major impact on run numbers
Has anyone any comment to make ?
Are we happy that these remain the same for next Year?
The secretary will ask for a proposer and seconder on the outcome of these
discussions and a vote will be held.

50 year members of VMCC :- We have again been asked to advise Head Office of
any member who is approaching 50 years membership in the coming year.
Dennis was recognised last year and his award was presented at the Golden Era

Please let me know if you now qualify or know of another member who does.

Club Trophies

I have been asked by Eric Siddall the current custodian of our trophies to raise the
following matters.

1 Do we wish to award any trophies in the coming years and what for?
2 When should these be awarded – possibly at next years AGM
3 What do we wish to do with any un-awarded trophies?
We will hold a general discussion and vote on any proposals made.
George Reed Scott

As reported at the last meeting in October that there may be a possibility of the Scott
returning to the section.

I am currently trying to obtain concrete evidence of how and when the Machine was
“donated” or “bequeathed” to the section or the VMCC in general. It certainly
appears to have been in “VMCC” possession before George Reed passed away in
October 1971. These details will be required before we make any approach to Allen
House .

We also need to discuss and agree on :-
1. Who should be the sections custodian of the bike – should this be a small
group of members or an individual ( obviously it would have to be stored at
one individuals property.
2. Would we be happy to cover the cost of the insurance and repair/maintenance
of the bike if Allen house passed this responsibility to us ( this has not yet
been discussed with them)
3. Who would be prepared to ride the bike at events in the area and also probably
Banbury as this will certainly be part of any agreement with Allen House and
indeed was I understand in accordance with George Reeds wishes.

I suggest a vote initially on whether or not we wish to continue to pursue the return
with further matters to be raised at future meetings.

Any Other Business:-

Closing Remarks :-

Dear VMCC members/ readers.

The VMCC Section Notes for October have been truncated and I have been told the November Section Notes would not be published.

Please therefore find on this Web site what you should have read in the journal.

I have used the new system for the December notes BUT if they do not appear in the journal then on the Web site they will go.

Thanks, Neil.

SECTION NOTES: North East : October 2023

Neil Wyatt. e-mail: October Notes Truncated.
Web Site:

What happened to Summer, two weeks of heat the second half June and that was it? And now the riding season is done. Let’s hope we can continue into 2024. As soon as the new calendar is ready I’ll put it on the Web site with any updates to avoid any confusion and all events confirmed with dates, etc.

I understand that Shell, in my area have started to add a little ethanol to Supreme, I was told about 2%, still not good, there is no need for this.

I wrote a small article with pictures from the Topcliffe run on the site, with lots of work still to do. At present we still have the 2023 AGM on the site as 26 November 2023 and some other events TBA. I need to confirm all, ASP.

Stay out of fear and Chem trails, way up over head. Think critically.

SECTION NOTES: North East : November 2023

Neil Wyatt. e-mail:
Web Site:

22 Members attended the September Section Meeting while 14 signed on to the final Section run of the season. Noel W and Maurice R not well and Jim W, busy. Brian gave a financial update. Nick Jefferies will have been our guest on 29 October with Geoff Brazendale, Ken Mellor and Bill Swallow to follow.

The Christmas dinner date is on the current calendar with the F&C supper Jan 2024 Mick Seward volunteered his premises for the Relay run.(Thank you, Mick) All members to receive a calendar with December Journal and outfit required to take an elderly lady out.

AGM-26 November.

The Topcliffe Run: 13 August 2023

I was lucky to get to the Yorkshire Gliding club in time for the official set off and thanks to the organisers for holding back an early start.

Below, please see some photos to mark this event, I will later write a short piece on our two main events during May. (Coronation and Wetherby) My apologies for being rather late, mostly down to ill health (Not jab related) and also lack of bikes, but not with regards to the Topcliffe. Despite the feared Global boiling the day was overcast and cool that I noticed on my 50 mile ride to the Gliding club. The only thing missing was a nice coffee and an egg and bacon sandwich to warm the digits up a bit. For the first time the café was closed.  I believe 65 riders signed on.

Just a short story of my own:

In order to get to the venue, I had to make a stop. About 40 miles out my very trusty Slimline Model 50 would only start and run on half choke. I then carried on with the new setting, thinking I would fix it after I had taken the photos. I was wrong about that and thanks to the gentleman who gave me a hand in checking the spark etc. (Unofficially  a three handed job, even with a Model 50)

In the end I had to settle for riding home on half choke and fiddling with the lever. After checking for cable damage (All was well) the carb (Mk1 626) was removed only to find a slight distortion. Must have been this way since new. But now the bike wouldn’t start. A new condenser appears to have solved the problem, a happy ending.






No Graham, it's not a Norton, but nice gear box though.




Update March 2023 GoldneEra
You can download the Entry Form in Word or PDF format.


Update November 2022

Censorship / Editing at the VMCC

Dear Members,

If you have read the North East Section notes in the Journal, you will not be aware that a sentence or three has been removed without any permission or consultation.

The 150 words submitted on behalf of the Section are reproduced below. It appears there is no debate, just the establishment narrative. Neil.

With sadness the Section reports the passing of Jack Percy of York, aged 94. Please refer to Section Website for more detail (below).

There were 20 members in attendance at the meeting held at the Coronation Hall on 30th September. Graham Wilson stood in for Secretary, Steve. Thanks again to our Catering executives, Martyne and Mick.

Confirmed that the AGM will take place on 4th December but no confirmation yet with regard to the Christmas lunch and Fish & Chips supper.

Our Christmas ‘party’ meeting will be held on 8th January, while Nick Jefferys will be guest speaker on the 4th Sunday.

For entertainment I re-read Fred Spaven’s February article on electric v ICE. More of a political agenda than anything to do with motorcycles! How that got past the editorial I’ll never know?

Still, E0 petrol still available at most Esso stations. (Red label)

Merry Christmas everyone. Steer clear of FEAR.

(150 Words).

Update September 2022

The Late Jack Percy

'Maurice has asked for you all to be informed of the recent death, at the age of 94, of Jack Percy from York. He was a long established member of the Section. Also a long standing member of the York Eboracum motor club, and in his younger days competed in the Scottish Six Days and the Scott Trial. In the last few years, he always made the effort to join us at Chairman Jim’s Open Days. He had no relatives living locally and Geoff Ketley represented the Section at the funeral. Thanks to Maurice and Graham for reporting this sad news.

The Topcliffe Run: Sunday 14 August 2022.


658: Neil Lewis' Raleigh, missed from the Golden era report. (As Seen at Elvington)




722. Neil Lewis



A nice sunny day, unlike the damp start of last year. Not many pictures for the record as the riders had set off at the signing on time. The turnout was definitely down on 2021 as I only counted a little over a dozen machines coming in the opposite direction plus one or two yet to leave. It was good to see our area rep, Neil Lewis, and have a chat with him, mostly about Raleigh motorcycles. The lunch stop was at the Faversham Arms and the route took the riders through Hutton Le Hole etc before returning to the gliding club. There were no casualties. A sandwich and coffee in the control tower is always most delightful. A few photos to remember the day.

Looking further ahead:

Our AGM should take place on the last Sunday in November, though the week after has been listed for a while now.

The Christmas dinner has a date but currently no venue has been booked to date. The traditional Milestones Restaurant is under renovation but the way the hospitality industry is being attacked by our elected and their Masters, who knows?

There will be a run from 10.30 am from the Coronation Hall on Sunday 25 September, ahead of the meeting at 2pm.

13th Golden Era Run From the Yorkshire Air Museum
Sunday 31 July 2022.

An Event for pre 1931 motor cycles and Combinations.

If anyone tells you there was no rain in the York area during July 2022, don't believe it!

The Golden Era run got off to a very wet wet (10:30 am) start after prolonged overnight periods of rain. By noon the Sun was out.

There were 4 non starters from 54 entries and 50 signed on. The rain did not help.
There were 3 breakdown recoveries, I'm not certain if this number includes the recovery trailer that also needed recovering.

There were two routes, a shorter route without hills for the older machines and a longer route.

The oldest machine entered was a 1911 BSA Model 8. 500cc and brought down to us from Hartlepool.

The coloured map in the centre of the program was excellent.

On completion the riders and officials retired to the NAAFI for a presentation lunch.

Well done to all those who made this event happen once again.

Some photos to remember the day:


70th Anniversary of the North East Section of the VMCC.
A review of Wednesday 27th July 2022.

Image25 signed on at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe, site of the original NE Regional meeting in 1952. Meeting @

Only the Trident failed to start the run, due to an electrical failure, smoke coming from under the seat.

Be interesting to report on what the problem was? Good to see Maurice and Rory too in the car park.

I was last to leave The Angel and first to finish the run (Save for the flat tanker which went directly to the finish)

The staff at the Angel were excellent, even the young lady from the bar came out to take group photos. Hopefully for about the first time, I'll be on a photo. Something for the obituary?

The run was just short of 28 miles and thanks to Mick S for organising it.
I can't give any compliments for the 'Old Station Cafe.' at the end of the run.
I couldn't get near the ordering queue and gave up waiting.
Those that did manage to be served had to wait an age for their food and drink.
The only good point was that I saw no muzzle wearers. How long will it last?

I had a good chat with Dennis B and Cyril M with an interest in the early years of the Section.

The weather was excellent and I enjoyed a good ride home on my Slimline Model 50, this time via the A59.

I hope we will be allowed to hold our own 75th Anniversary run. God willing.


Please see a few photos to remember the day:

Mick Seward
Lay off the Ethanol
Smoke under the seat ! 
The Angel from the Front
Oldest bike and ridden too.
The line up with Father Christmas in the middle...

Safety warning - Chem trails.

I'm sure you will have seen these long lines crisscrossing across clear skies in recent weeks on what should be clear days.
These are not to be confused with harmless vapour trails that soon disperse. There is a clear difference 
I like to wear an open face helmet, but for safety from falling heavy metals, a visor is preferred.

The Coronation Run.  29 May 2022.

Thanks to Keith for his admin work, the ladies who traditionally organise the catering, the breakdown backup
and anyone missed in making this event another success.

A good turnout with 26 riders signing on.

The weather was best described as iffy but stayed mainly dry
The run headed towards Ripon, starting out from base at approaching 11 am.

Then heading towards Masham and Bedale.
From Topcliffe  to Boroughbridge and return to the Coronation Hall.

Some pictures to remember the day:


The Late Jack Percy

'Maurice has asked for you all to be informed of the recent death, at the age of 94, of Jack Percy from York. He was a along established member of the Section. Also a long standing member of the York Eboracum motor club, and in his younger days competed in the Scottish Six Days and the Scott Trial. In the last few years , he always made the effort to join us at Chairman Jim’s Open Days. He had no relatives living locally and Geoff Ketley represented the Section at the funeral,'  Thanks to Maurice and Graham for reporting this sad news.

The Topcliffe Run:  Sunday 14 August 2022.

A nice Sunny day, unlike the damp start of last year. Not many pictures for the record as the riders had set off at the signing on time. The turnout was definitely down on 2021 as I only counted a little over a dozen machines coming in the opposite direction plus one or two yet to leave. It was good to see our area rep, Neil Lewis, and have a chat with him, mostly about Raleigh motorcycles. The lunch stop was at the Faversham Arms and the route took the riders through Hutton Le Hole etc before returning to the gliding club. There were no casualties. A sandwich and coffee in the control tower is always most delightful. A few photo's to remember the day.


Looking further ahead:

Our AGM should take place on the last Sunday in November, though the week after has been listed for a while now.

The Christmas dinner has a date but currently no venue has been booked to date. The traditional Milestones Restaurant is under renovation but the way the hospitality industry is being attacked by our elected and their Masters, who knows?

There will be a run from 10.30 am from the Coronation Hall on Sunday 25 September, ahead of the meeting at 2pm.



Photos Topcliffe.... 658: Neil Lewis' Raleigh missed from the Golden era report. (As Seen at Elvington)

         722. Neil Lewis.

         724  A par of Norton Slimlines.



July 2022 - Section Notes.

As you will know, there is no printed journal for July and August. Next edition is September. Can't say I'm happy about it, especially for our older members.

I have already written the August notes and they will appear in an on-line journal. I certainly hope this is not a test for the future? (To see if the members will acquiesce?) Personally, I like my printed journal as bed time reading.

July and August is a busy time for our Section, with the 70th anniversary of our section, kindly arranged by Mick Seward, on 27 July. If you have any details of the event you would like me to publish on here, Mick, then please drop me a line.

Next we have our remaining National events, the Golden Era on 31 July, back to our usual venue in Elvington and the Topcliffe run from the Yorkshire Gliding Club.We have only lost this event once since 1952 and it is up to us to ensure that never happens again. A change of venue is far better than no event.

I'm not certain if anything is happening with the Dales run, but thank you Tony for your years of running this event over many years.

I'm not in the best of health, following over two years without being able to see a Dr for a diagnosis, but I'm far from alone. I did my service in the Military, so as they say, just soldier on.

Sorry things are slightly slow but a short report on the Coronation run with some pictures for the memory will be with you soon.

Take care and enjoy the sunshine,



The Wetherby run, 15 May 2022

30 riders signed on for this 2022 event, starting at the Wetherby Brewery as we did in 2019 when life was so normal.

Thankfully the weaather held fair but a far cry from the pleasant sunshine of the previous day.

Unfortunately, I am unable to give details of the route, distance and lunch stop as I had no route map to quote.

Below are some photos as reminders of the day.


Neil's Slimline Norton Model 50
BSA Gold Star
Eric's Moto Guzzi single.
 Brian Booker with his BSA A7
Susie Weeks and her 1939 2 stroke James

NE Section VMCC Presents The 13th Golden Era Run

Sunday 31st July 2022

VENUE: The Yorkshire Air Museum Elvington, YO41 4YW.

(Run Under VMCC Permit)


The North East Section VMCC will organise The Golden Era Run, an event for pre-1931 motorcycles and three wheelers which is open to members of the VMCC, Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club and those of Overseas Clubs. The start and finish are at The Yorkshire Air Museum Elvington, YO41 4YW

Having to be cancel the event due to virus-imposed restrictions in 2020 and the YAM not available in 2021, when we did manage to offer an alternative, many riders expressed a wish to return to the original venue. After considerable in-depth negotiation with the helpful management of the Yorkshire Air Museum we are able return there for the thirteenth Golden Era Run, which is now a well-established annual event in the calendar.

Hopefully the return will renew the momentum we had built up over the years but unfortunately, as with many operations, the Air Museum have experienced a significant increase in their operating and supply costs, which even with our Yorkshire negotiation skills have meant we have had to increase our entry fees.

As in previous years there will be a choice of two circular routes tackling intricate courses around quiet lanes and byways: - A flat route of approx. 35 miles suitable for even the earliest single speed machines; or the longer route of some 60 miles for those who relish more of a challenge.

The entry fee is £32.50 and includes tea or coffee en route, a traditional roast lunch on return, an event programme and a unique commemorative award. The fee for passengers, which includes the meal, is £22.00. Extra meals are also available at additional cost of £19.50 per head but must be booked in advance.

An entry form accompanies this invitation. (Those of you whom have developed computer skills during lockdown should be able to complete this filling in the boxes. There are also facilities for electronic payment included if you want to do it all online).

Advance entry is essential, as no entries are accepted on the day and there will be a limit of 80 UK riders (plus any overseas entrants) for the event.

The closing date for entries to be included in the programme is Friday 15th July 2022.

Places will be allocated strictly on a first come basis.

Confirmation of entry and final instructions will be sent out after closing date.



General Info:

Graeme Rimer: Mob. 07526 484729;


Graham Wilson 160 Green Lane Cookridge Leeds LS16 7JQ
Tel: 0113 217 6509; Mob: 0777 272 4078

Welcome to Yorkshire for accommodation details

Click Here for the Entry Form Golden Era Run July 2022

Tony Head has stood down as Secretary after 11 years. The Section would like to thank Tony for all of his hard work over those years.

The Section would also like to thank Maurice Rispin as editor of the Section News letter for 34 years.

Jim Wood will remain as Chairman, though due to health issues may occasionally be replaced by a member on the day.

I believe all other Committee members remain in place with Graham Wilson taking over the news letter.

Happy New (No Fear) Year.   

Barrie Barker 1938 - 2021

A message from Barrie's daughter, Helen:

Dad passed away on the 1st August, aged 83, in hospital after a short illness.

He really missed the meetings, runs and rallies during lockdown. We were due to go to our first rally this year on the day he was taken ill sadly.

He was an early member of the club, (number 208 on his membership card!) and I have lifelong memories of following him around messing with bikes and cars and going to VMCC events with him.

Restrictions on funerals are now lifted so if anyone wishes to attend they are very welcome, details below. I can be contacted via if required.

2.30pm Wednesday 25th August 2021

St Mary’s Parish Church
Dewsbury Road
WF12 7JL

Refreshments afterwards in the Parish Hall next door.

The church car park is on the opposite side of the road to the church.

The 2021 Topclife Run

As a preface I would like to announce the good news that Esso will continue to supply E0 (Supreme+ with the red label) in all stations outside of the Ethanol zones.
July 2022 will see the 70th anniversary of the Section (Formerly Region) Time to consider an event to mark the occasion, if our political leadership will allow it.
The Topcliffe run, our longest running event, took place on Sunday 15 August from 10.30 am. It was a very wet morning and a wet ride to the venue at the Yorkshire gliding club, at the top of Sutton Bank. As a consequence the 26 riders who had signed on delayed their start by about half an hour when the roads started to dry out. The mist was very low and there looked little chance of seeing gliders coming out of their hangers. Another half an hour later and the skies started to clear and a glider was pushed to the take off zone. Tug only today due to wind diresction.
It was lovely to see members socialising again, as they did at the recent Golden Era run.  Sadly the next Section meeting is not scheduled now until October. (If allowed out)

Well done to those who turned out, including the organisers and the administrators, whether riding or not.  Thank you all, Neil.

Please see a selection of photos to mark the occasion, including a glider,


News letter editor, (Maurice) Secretary (Tony) and Chairman (Jim)
plus a selection of bikes on the day.














The 12th Golden Era Run of the
North East Section of the VMCC

Sunday 25th July 2021

All pre 1931 machines and combinations plus photo's as a memory of the day to close with.

There were 53 machines registered for this Golden Era run on a fine day from the Coronation Hall, Boroughbridge. The traditional home of this even has always been the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington but the re-opening was too late and the plans changed to run from the Coronation Hall. Chairman, Jim Wood gives thanks, as I'm sure we all do, to the organisers and volunteers. The fact that there wasn't a muzzle to be seen and little or no spatial distance on the day gave a sense of some normality. Long may it last.

I believe there were just a few breakdowns, a Triumph C, P or H was an early retirement, recovered to the start. Jim Wood at Alne kindly provided a tea stop with a patriotic gents pit stop! 

The oldest Machine registered was a 1904 Bradbury Peerless, made in Oldham. Next oldest was a 1911 Rudge. The oldest Norton entered was a 1923 16H (Side valve) Believed to be Pa Norton's favourite bike. (Not necessarily this one) There were many other marques represented, some regular attendees at this event, and not necessarily household names, such as Martinsyde, Humber, (More associated with cars) Rover, (Cars again) Connaught, Raleigh (More associated with peddle cycles) and Montgomery.

A selection of Photos:


















PicVMCC 75th Anniversary
Thornton le Dale 11 July 2021

This event, due to political reasons was officially cancelled but many members attended and met unofficially. The weather was reasonably fine with perhaps a few spots of rain on the way home.

Many including myself parked in the town centre, thought the official, that became the unofficial gathering point was the main car park. It appears there was a problem with the ticketing machine with a camera at the entrance / exit.

Area Rep Neil Lewis was there on a BMW that had acquired a puncture. A tin of fix a flat didn't fix it and his bike was recovered just onto the A170.

Later I was told about a new bike cafe in this area, close to Flamingoland.  Must try it out.......






July 2021 Update

Our 75th Anniversary meet up on 11th July has officially been cancelled.
However, if you wish to attend anyway, we will be meeting from 12 noon
at Thornton Le Dale Car Park, Chestnut Avenue, Thornton le Dale. YO18 7RW


We extend our best wishes to Paul Rogers as he recovers from a recent spell in hospital. The Evening run from Follifoot that Paul organises will still take place thanks to Paul providing, all be it at short notice, a route sheet. This is on Wednesday 14th of July and will start from the Harewood Arms, with signing on from 6.30 p.m. for a relaxed start. Please remember that restrictions are still in place and bring your Covid safety kit and abide by requirements.

As we approach the 19th of July, we look forward in anticipation to resume more of our once normal activities, tempered by our own personal views and responsibility, which looks like being the format for some considerable time so that Covid can be controlled.

So, we are pleased to anticipate that our pre planned calendar of events for the rest of the year can be run without too many restrictions from the 19th. Our recent runs held under restrictions have had mixed support.

The Wetherby Run attracted 13 riders, all setting off at well-spaced intervals for what was reported by them to be a lovely run taking in Staveley, Brimham, Kirkby to Ripon and returning via Boroughbridge and Walton to Wetherby.

The evening Run from Stutton, on a glorious sunny evening, tempted out 23 riders to test the roads around Aberford, Saxton, Church Fenton and Ryther before retuning to Stutton and a quick glass of??

13th of June at High Trees saw 20 riders sign on for the run to Settle via Grassington, Kilnsey and over the tops from Arrncliffe for lunch at Settle. Thanks must go to Jean, who stepped up sort the entries when Dave was taken ill. I can report that after a week in hospital with non-Covid breathing problem he is now making a good recovery

The Presidents run from the Sun Inn to How Stean also had a bumper entry and all were made very welcome for lunch at the cafe, with several members using the occasion to give the ladies an airing. The next event will be the Follifoot Evening Run as detailed at top of page.
The first event after relaxation of restrictions is the Golden Era Run for pre 31 machine on the 25th of July. Starting this year from the Coronation Hall, this pre-entry event has attracted over 50 entrants, with the earliest machine been from 1903. Signing on will be from 10.00 a.m. from when hopefully many of the machines will be on display before they set of on the choice of routes, a shorter one for the older machines, but both passing through vantage points at Coxwold and the outskirts of Easingwold, where you would be able to see the machines in action. Offers of help with marshalling etc. will be gratefully received by either Graeme, Graham, or Eric who are the organising team.
Our other main event is The Topcliffe Run on the 15th of August, from the Yorkshire Gliding Club starting at 10-30am. The venue is booked, a planned route is available, but a Clerk of Course/Secretary of Meeting is required, to prepare questions, accept the entries, and produce the results.
The final run of the year on the 26th of September from the Coronation Hall is hopefully in hand, culminating with the September Section Meeting.

Other Section events planned, but could be subject to change and with further details to follow are:-

15th September Fish and Chip supper at Murgatroyd’s 7-00pm
31st October Section Meeting, Boroughbridge 2-00pm
28th Nov Section AG, Boroughbridge. 2-00pm
1st December Christmas Lunch. Venue to be determined 12-00noon
6th December Fish and Chip supper at Pudsey 7-00pm
2nd January Section Meeting, Boroughbridge 2-00pm

The July issue of the VMCC journal inspired a little more confidence for the future of the club, in that the board of directors appear to have taken heed of the recent consultation process, resulting in the organisation to be run as a motor club. A slimmed down HQ for Admin purposes, a machine insurance scheme, and all events run economically by the Sections and an optimistic use of volunteers to fill many posts.


NE Section AGM
Sunday 29 November 2020 Cancelled
The suggestion to hold the AGM at the end of January has also had to be shelved.
We are held subject to political games with our freedom to meet.
Enjoy your temporary Christmas freedom.
TreeA new AGM date will be published on this site if ever we are allowed to gather.
Christmas Greetings to all our members

Selby Run Sunday 30th August 2020.

There has been a very modest response for this, so there are still slots left.

The weather forecast for the weekend is good, so here’s your chance to get an airing.

Give me a call to book a slot and get start instructions.

0113 217 6509 or 0777 272 4078



Fish & Chip Supper 16th September

Just had confirmation from Keith that the meal is cancelled.

After discussions with Murgatroyd’s and taking into account the age of attendees it was not feasible.


David Gordon Greenwood (1933-2020)


David married Beryl in 1956. They toured Europe on a 1952 Velocette 350, visiting 10 countries in 13 days, covering 2,156 miles.

David made 63 trips to the Isle of Man to support TT, MGP & Southern 100 races. He fulfilled the roles of mechanic, pit crew, vintage bike enthusiast and 20 years as a marshal at the TT & MGP. He restored a BSA Shooting Star 500, 1963 Velocette Venom 500, 1937 Norton Inter & 1947 Norton Model 18 (later fitted with a Squire sidecar). He won the VMCC Manx Rally Sidecar Cup in 1993, 1994 & 1995. In 1997, he won the VMCC Manx Rally Solo on the Velo. His last visit to the Island was in 2013 for the Classic TT.

David was a keen member of the VMCC and took part in several Wetherby Runs.

The full account will appear in the VMCC journal, hopefully in the September edition. Thanks to Dennis and Jill Buckle for forwarding these notes.

Topcliffe Run. 16 August 2020

With regret, our longest running event: The Topcliffe Run from the Yorkshire Gliding Club has had to be cancelled this year,due to the lack of venue facilities and organisers etc.

This was our last main event of the 2020 riding season.

Who knows what 2021 will bring, back to normal one hopes? So fill up those tanks ready with E0 while you still can.

Norman Harland

Norman Harland has passed away on 11th May 2020, following a long illness. Norman, a resident of Dewsbury but formally of Ripon; where he left for his job with British Gas. Norman was an early member of the North East Section and was a regular attendee and purchaser from our annual auction. Dennis tells me that Norman was a very knowledgeable man.

The Section sends its respects at this very sad time.

Golden Era Run 2020 is Cancelled.

We have been hanging on in the hope that we might be able to run the event in some format.

However we have been informed the Air Museum will not be opening until mid July and then on a very restricted basis.

As they will be unable to provide the usual facilities that make this event such a success we have no option but to cancel.

For those of you who have entered, your cheques will be shredded.

We look forward to better times and to running once again next year.

The Air Museum have said how much they cherish the event and look forward to being able to accommodate us next year.

Graham Wilson.

VMCC North East Section Newsletter:
March 2020

Due to the Coronavirus VMCC HQ have issued instructions that all Section Meetings should be cancelled, and all organised road runs are suspended until further notice.

Allen House will remain open, but no visitors are allowed, contact should be made by telephone or email.

Cancelled Events

This means that our Annual Section Auction at Boroughbridge on the 29th March and the Dales Run on the19th April have fallen victim to the restrictions.

The Relay Rally is cancelled, but depending on the situation may be run later in the year.

These instructions are obviously in line with those already issued by the ACU, the Scottish Six Days Trial has been cancelled until 2021.

The FBVHC have however, suggested that the ‘Drive it Day’ on the 26th April can proceed, providing that there are no gatherings. So small unofficial runs of a few motorcycles with no contact with the public other than to purchase petrol etc would appear to be acceptable at the moment during the crisis.

We understand that the situation will be reviewed in about 6 weeks at the end of April. With this in mind the organisation of future events will be such that they could be put on at short notice should we be fortunate enough to see an improvement in the CV19 situation that would allow events to start running again.

Past Events

The first informal Wednesday Lunch Time meeting at the new venue, the Harewood Arms, on 12th February, proved to be acceptable, when 15 members attended, the accommodation and food seemed to meet with our requirement along with the good car parking facilities.

On the 23rd February Nick Jefferies came to the Coronation Hall and gave us an interesting talk on the Jefferies Dynasty at Saltaire. Commencing with grand father Joe, father Allan, brother Tony and nephew David. All of whom have been household names to generations of the Yorkshire motor cycle community, as riders and motorcycle dealers for many years. A donation from the section in lieu of his expenses has been made to the ACU Benevolent Fund.

The Annual Lunch and prize presentation took place at the Healds Hall Hotel on the 15th March when some 40 members and friends gathered for our main annual social event. After lunch and the formal proceedings which were handled by Dennis, standing in for Chairman Jim who was advised not to attend after his recent health problems, the awards were presented by the President’s wife Sue; after which the traditional Tony/AJS stand up /sit down bingo fund raising session was held. Our thanks are extended to Eric for organising the trophy presentation, and to Tony and Dennis for the general organisation. This event might prove unfortunately to be the last gathering for sometime due to the ongoing crisis.

We can but hope that the crisis will eventually be contained and life returns to normality, in the meantime we must remain in contact by phone and email, and for those who have moved from the 19th century, utilising these modern communication gadgets utilised and talked about by today’s youth.

However, as we continue to self-isolate and reduce social contact, get a kettle and a telly in the workshop and work on the bike(s) or better still get the bike out and go for a ride in the fresh air before we are confined to four walls!!

2020 Calendar of Events
Sunday 5th January Christmas Meeting. Coronation Hall, Boroughbridge 2pm
Sunday 26th January Section Meeting. Coronation Hall. Guest: Nick Jefferies 2pm
Wednesday 12 February Lunch time meeting. Harewood Arms, on A61 From 12 Noon
Sunday 23rd February Section Meeting, Coronation Hall, Boroughbridge 2 pm
Wednesday 11th March
Lunch time meeting, Harewoof Arms
From 12 Noon
Sunday 15th March Anuual Lunch, Healds Hall 12 for 12.30pm

North East Section News


The Golden Era Run is an event for pre-1931 motorcycles and three wheelers organised by the North East Section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club, starting and finishing at the Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, near York.

This will be the twelfth Golden Era and is now a well-established annual event in the calendar. Again we have chosen a Sunday in July to hold this event in order to tempt even more Pioneer or Banbury Runners to take an outing on quiet roads in the beautiful countryside of the Vale of York and the adjacent Wolds, finishing with a traditional roast lunch in the NAAFI. We promise a friendly welcome with the added benefit of visiting the Museum and enjoying the attractions it offers.

The Golden Era Run has gone from strength to strength due to no small part of ever-helpful management of the Yorkshire Air Museum and again for 2020 they have offered a larger and more prominent space within the museum’s grounds in which to assemble and display the entrants’ machines.

There will be a choice of two circular routes tackling intricate courses around quiet lanes and byways: - A flat route of approx. 30 miles suitable for even the earliest single speed machines; or the hillier route of some 60 miles for those who relish more of a challenge.

The entry fee is £27.00 and includes entry to the Museum, tea or coffee en route, a traditional roast lunch in the Museum's NAAFI, event programme and a unique commemorative award. (Extra lunches are available at additional cost of £15.50 per head, but must be booked in advance).

The event is open to members of the VMCC, Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club and those of Overseas Clubs. An entry form accompanies this invitation. Advance entry is essential, as no entries are accepted on the day and there will be a limit of 80 UK riders (plus any overseas entrants) for the event.

The closing date for entries to be included in the programme is Monday 13th July 2020.

Places will be allocated strictly on a first come basis. Confirmation of entry and final instructions will be sent out after closing date.


General Info: Graeme Rimer: Mob. 07526 484729; Entries:.......Graham Wilson 160 Green Lane Cookridge Leeds LS16 7JQ
.............Mob: 0777 272 4078; Email.

York Tourist Office: 01904 550099. Welcome to Yorkshire

The entry form is available here


George Foggitt Topcliffe Run. 18 August 2019.

A fine day for our final annual and longest standing event. More than 40 riders signed on in fine conditions. In fact, despite a wet late Spring and Summer, all four Section main events enjoyed dry conditions. The starting point once again was the Yorkshire Gliding Club, situated at the top of Sutton Bank, between Helmsley and Thirsk.

An excellent view of the gliders taking off and landing can be had from the elevated cafe, well worth a visit just for that alone.

Full results are on this link.

Photographs from the day are below.

A pair of Rudges
A WD Norton 16H in Army trim
Mick, escaping from making the tea!
A Ridgid BSA single, ready for the off
The water cooled Humber combination
Our Topcliffe admin team
Gliders in the winch zone

The 11th Golden Era Run

Sunday 29th July 2019 saw the 11th Golden era run, organised by the North East Section of the VMCC. This event as always is for pre 1931 motorcycles and tricycles.

Unlike last year, this years' event was run in very pleasant warm conditions. 59 of the 62 entered machines were lined up and signed on before the start. There were a couple of non starters and a couple that needed assistance from our excellent recovery team.

There were two routes to chose from of either 45 or 65 miles with a tea stop on the way.

Before departure, after the ride the riders enjoyed a Sunday lunch followed by an awards presentation.

Jim and Tony (Chairman and Secretary of NE Section)
A Coulson B of 1920, very rare.
1920 600cc flat twin Humber combination
Norton Model 24 Combination.  588cc
A 100 year old Hobart. 2 speed and 269cc.
One of only two Velocette's entered.
A Scott refusing to start!

2019 Coronation Run - 19th May 2019

35 riders signed on for the 2019 Coronation Run on 19 May, just two less than the Wetherby Run the week before. The weather once again was superb for riding and as usual the riders were treated to refreshments provided by the ladies on return. Chairman Jim made it to the start on his half Vincent but only just, thanks to ignition issues.

A gentleman now in his 80's always comes to the start of this run from Whitby on his Manx Inter, he has owned this bike since the 1950's and I believe he bought it from the original owner. The amazing thing is that he can actually bump start it!. Finally, a special mention to Maurice in thanks for seeing to the administration.

The scribes Poor Man's Manx next to the real thing!
Brian's lovely BSA A10
Ted's BSA A65
Ladies waiting for the riders return
Bump starting a 500cc OHC Norton
Mr Barker's car!

The 2019 Wetherby Run - 12th May 2019

Twin cylimder little Greaves a regular at VMCC events
Colin Morgan looks on at Noel's 550cc Model H, with a Scot stroker in the background
Another flat tank Triumph in very good order. Model P this time I think?
A Gold Star ready for action
Graham Wilson being told to keep the noise down!

Thanks to Graham Wilson for posting the results.
Many thanks to all who helped out on the day.
The 2 Tonys for backup and the landowners for use of start.

Please Click for full results - right click to download



The Golden Era Run is an event for pre-1931 motorcycles and three wheelers organised by the North East Section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club, starting and finishing at the Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, near York.

This will be the eleventh Golden Era and is now a well established annual event in the calendar. Again we have chosen a Sunday in July to hold this event in order to tempt even more Pioneer or Banbury Runners to take an outing on quiet roads in the beautiful
countryside of the Vale of York and the adjacent Wolds, finishing with a traditional roast lunch in the NAAFI. We promise a friendly welcome with the added benefit of visiting the Museum and enjoying the attractions it offers.

The Golden Era Run has gone from strength to strength due to no small part of ever-helpful management of the Yorkshire Air Museum and again for 2019 they have offered a larger and
more prominent space within the museum’s grounds in which to assemble and display the entrants’ machines.

There will be a choice of two circular routes tackling intricate courses around quiet lanes and byways: - A flat route of approx 30 miles suitable for even the earliest single speed machines;
or the hillier route of some 60 miles for those who relish more of a challenge.

The entry fee is £27.00 and includes entry to the Museum, tea or coffee en route, a traditional roast lunch in the Museum's NAAFI, event programme and a unique commemorative award.

(Extra lunches are available at additional cost of £15.50 per head, but must be booked in advance).

The event is open to members of the VMCC, Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club and those of Overseas Clubs. An entry form accompanies this invitation.

Advance entry is essential, as no entries are accepted on the day and there will be a limit of 80

UK riders (plus any overseas entrants) for the event.

The closing date for entries to be included in the programme is Monday 15th July 2019.

Places will be allocated strictly on a first come basis.

Confirmation of entry and final instructions will be sent out after closing date.


General Info: Graeme Rimer: Mob. 07526 484729;
Entries: Graham Wilson 160 Green Lane Cookridge Leeds LS16 7JQ
Mob: 0777 272 4078; Email.

York Tourist Office: 01904 550099.
Welcome to Yorkshire

The Entry Form can be downloaded here. (right click to Save)

November 25th Update:

The George Foggitt Topcliffe Road Safety Run.
19th August 2018 from the Yorkshire Gliding Club.

Results and pictures:

The weather on the day turned out better than the forecast and a good turnout made it to the gathering point for the start

GE Wilson 75 marks Best Performance WD Holdings Trophy
M Wilson 65 marks
Best Post War
David Livesey Trophy
T Reed 65 marks
B Senior 65 marks
Best Lady
George Dyson Trophy
D Marwood 65 marks
J Robinson 60 marks
Best Vintage
Harry Fenby Rose Bowl
B Hunter 60 marks
Best Post Vintage
Harold Nixon Trophy
B Tyreman 50 marks    
M Senior 50 marks    

The Late David Livesey

With sadness, our former Chairman, David Livesey, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. David was a founder member of the Section when it met at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe in the 1950's. For a long time, David operated the recovery service on our events. David had owned many interesting machines and was also very active with the Pontefract 2nd World War re-enactment group.

David's funeral will be held on Wednesday 14th November at at the Pontefract Crematorium.


David Livesey keeping an eye on the Secretary!

Also with sadness, long standing member, Les Neesham from Kirby Hill passed away in September, Les was an active Norton 500T rider. The Section was well represented at his funeral.

The Golden Era Run 2018

Steve Rowley, Brian Springett and Tony Eyre all BSA mounted

It was raining and blowing at signing on at the10th Golden Era Run at Elvington Air Museum and 61 of the 70 entered did so and lined up their machines on display

Yorkshire Air Museum were brilliant and along with other things, provided space in a hanger for the riders briefing where all were warned about debris, storm damage, fallen trees and branches on the route.

An intrepid bunch of 50 or so set of, most electing the shorter 41 mile route due to the conditions, but a hardy bunch of about 10 doing the longer hillier 65 miles, all having a tea stop at Allerthorpe Lake.

Conditions did improve later in the day, with those on the longer route returning on drying roads, to join the others already assembled in the display hanger.

Traditional Yorkshire Sunday lunch followed, where the mementos were distributed and Jim Wood thanked participants, organisers, helpers and YAM for the day.

There were five that needed the assistance from the recovery team and one unfortunate rider who left the road and ended up in a ditch.

Alan is in IC at LGI and we all wish him the best. (Alan has since made a recovery)

Taken in the Halifax Bomber hanger at the Elvington Yorkshire Air museum on 29 July 2018

The 2018 Coronation Run

The annual Coronation run took place on 20th May in fine weather from the Coronation Hall. There were 34 riders taking part and refreshments served by the ladies as is tradition for this event, on return.

Any ladies wishing to volunteer for 2019 and beyond would be made most welcome.

Sept 2018 Wetherby Results and Quiz Answers



The Golden Era Run is an event for pre-1931 motorcycles and three wheelers organised by the North East Section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club, starting and finishing at the Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, near York.

This will be the Tenth Golden Era Run and this year will have a theme; the vital roles which motorcycles played in British military service throughout the First World War. While all pre-1931 machines will as always be most welcome, the organisers wish to encourage those who own motorcycles of makes and date of manufacture which relate to those used during WWI to enter them for this event. A static display will bemanned throughout the day to inform museum visitors about the use of motorcycles during the Great War and also about how the VMCC supports the ownership and riding of veteran and vintage machines.

We have chosen a Sunday in July to hold this event in order to tempt even more Pioneer or Banbury Runners to take an outing on quiet roads in the beautiful countryside of the Vale of York and the adjacent Wolds, finishing with a traditional roast lunch in the NAAFI. We promise a friendly welcome with the added benefit of visiting the Museum and enjoying the attractions it offers.

There will be a choice of two circular routes. A flat route of approx 30 miles suitable for even the earliest single speed machines; or the hillier route of some 60 miles for those who relish more of a challenge.

The Golden Era Run is now a well established annual event. That held in 2017 was a great success, with fifty-four pre-1931 solo machines and outfits tackling intricate courses around quiet lanes and byways.

The ever-helpful management of the Yorkshire Air Museum were so encouraged by its success that for 2018 they have offered a larger and more prominent space within the museum’s grounds in which to assemble and display the entrants’ machines. This has meant that we have been able to increase the maximum possible number of entrants from 60 to 80.

The entry fee of £27.00 includes entry to the Museum, tea or coffee en route, traditional roast lunch in the Museum's NAAFI, event programme and a unique commemorative award. (Extra lunches are available at additional cost of £15.50 per head).

An entry form is included below. Advance entry is essential as there can be no entries accepted on the day and there will be a limit of 80 UK riders for the event.



General Info: Graeme Rimer: Mob. 07526 484729;

Entries: Graham Wilson 160 Green Lane Cookridge Leeds LS16 7JQ Mob. 0777272 4078;

York Tourist Office: 01904 550099.
Welcome to Yorkshire

Logo The 2017 Golden Era Run
from The Yorkshire Air Museum
Sunday 30th July 2017.

Of the 58 entries there were 6 non starters although two were at the event, unable to ride, but attended the dinner.

As always there were two routes to suit the varying machines, separating after the tea stop. I don't know how many needed assistance from the breakdown / recovery teams, but they were reportedly kept busy.

An AJS combination with clutch mechanism problems, a Douglas with a broken drive belt, a BSA with sparks troubles and a badly misfiring Raleigh were attended to by Graham Wilson, riding a 1930 BSA sloper.

ImageThe weather was kind, despite a sharp shower before the start and all were back and having lunch before the rain came and it was dry again when they came out.

With regret, my photo of the other young participant at this event, Arthur, didn’t come out but Arthur’s image can be found at an earlier George Foggitt Topcliffe run report on this site. Arthur shown (right) on the pillion.

Thanks to Graham Wilson for help with this brief report.

Neil Wyatt

Three unapproachables in a row!
Young Jake on Dad's 1916 Model H. 550cc
A four valve, four speed 1924 350 Rudge.
Jim Woods' Rare Omega. (Runs like a wrist watch)
Nice New Hudson outfit.

The Late David Earnshaw

David was a former Area VMCC Representative,
covering the NE Section.

David Earnshaw's funeral is on Monday 5th June at 10.45 am.
All Saints Church Darfield S73 9JX.

Then at Barnsley Crematorium.


David, his Grandson Jake on the bike and Dennis Buckle

The 2017 Wetherby Run on Sunday 7th May.

Not all took part in the competitive quiz, that provided much amusement and some ingenious answers, but provided enough info for a set of results for the awards.

However 65 machines set off to enjoy the 81 mile run on a cool slightly overcast day.

The out route took them to Tockwith, Green Hammerton, Great Ouseburn, Marton, Boroughbridge, Bishop Monkton, Hutton Conyers, Wath, West Tanfield to lunch stop at Masham.

The return was Swinton, Ilton, Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton, Galphy, Sawley, Ripley, Scotton, Knaresborough and Little Ribston.

The breakdown crew of Tony Green and team attended to Paul Rogers who's Norton 'nipped up' and John & Janet Emanuel who again had tyre problems.

Also John Dinsdale got a lift back to the start when his Enfield's valves stopped operating.

All in all a good day and thanks to the recovery team and Tony, Terry and Keith who manned the start / finish and provided the refreshments.

Before the Norton nip up! (Paul Rogers)
Barry Tyreman's 1928 Model 19 (Best Vintage)
A 1914 Humber Combo, sadly retired
Who designed those Enfield valves?

A nice Dommie 99 found in the car park!

Finally, any complaints? These guys look likely suspects!

Wetherby Results 07.05.17

Wetherby 2017 Quiz Answers

The George Foggitt Topclife Run - Sunday 14th August 2016

 There were 42 entries for the 60th anniversary of this event, starting once again from the Yorkshire Gliding club, situated at the top of Sutton Bank, between Thirsk and Helmsley.

Everyone who turned up was treated to an excellent West Yorkshire pork pie, courtesy of Past President, Dennis Buckle, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday. Thanks Dennis, very tasty and Happy Birthday!

Dennis can usually be seen at Section events riding his Green 1925 350 Royal Enfield but on this occasion, was treated to the passenger seat of Jim Wood’s Morgan.

The weather was mostly overcast, though pleasantly warm enough. There was minor chaos with a road closure and poor signage before the lunch stop at the top of Blakey Ridge, but a way was found through. Just three riders requiring assistance from the break down crew. Noel Whittall, wearing period dress on an early flat tank Triumph got off to an early start.

The main trophy was awarded to Bill Taylor, riding a 1936 Model 40 Norton.

Well done to all the riders and dedicated organisers. These events could not happen without their help.

Neil Wyatt.

An OHC Norton!
Graham Wilson (At the back with the braces) supervising starting a BSA
The little man on the pillion is called Arthur. Sign him up Tony, we need young members!
Dennis being talked into getting in the Morgan!
Eric with Scott HT lead issues. (Should have come on a Norton, Eric)

LogoThe 2016 Golden Era Run
from The Yorkshire Air Museum
Sunday 24 July 2016.

There were 55 entries in the program for the 2016 annual Golden Era Run for pre 1931 motorcycles and combinations. Two riders gave notice of apology and two simply didn’t turn up, however, there was one late entry allowed, making 52 machines starting the run.

The furthest traveled came from Ayrshire, A 1916 Norton 9TT although there was also and entry from Wiltshire. The oldest machine entered was a 1910 Douglas Model C, down from Northumberland. Oldest rider, Dennis Buckle while the youngest passenger once again was Jake Earnshaw.

Only two combinations in the line up for 2016, a 1916 New Hudson Delux and Barry Tyreman’s 1930 Norton Model 24. Both combinations reside in West Yorkshire.

Machines of interest included a 1925 NUT V twin, a 1921 Hobart with a Villiers 2 stroke engine and a pair of 1922 Martinside Model D’s.

As always, there were two routes available; including a shorter flatter route for the earlier veteran machines, especially those with single speed and belt drive. There was a tea stop after around 30 minutes on the road. After which, the routes split.

Before the 10.30 start, Eric Siddall (1930 Scott rider) addressed the riders and offered some advice, especially useful to first timers.

A Sunday dinner awaited the riders on return, thankfully all riders returned to base before the rain came down.

Only two machines needed to be recovered it is believed, thanks Maurice and crew for another job well done. Co organizer, Graham Wilson, reports that there were several letters of thanks from participants, including a hand written note from Old Father Brazendale of Cumbria!

Thanks to the organisers, breakdown crew and Marshals, without whose help this annual event could not take place. Same again in 2017 looks likely.

Neil Wyatt.

NUT Newcastle Upon Tyne (Very rare)
1916 9TT Single Speed, Norton
Noel Whittall on his 1918 Triumph Model H
Dennis Buckle on the only Royal Enfield

Wetherby Run - May 8th 2016

Click for Results

Whitby Quiz Answers

Click for Quiz Answers

The 2015 Golden Era Run from the Yorkshire Air Museum
Sunday 26 July.

There were 54 entries in the program for the 2015 annual Golden Era Run for pre 1931 motorcycles and combinations. The furthest travelled came from Belgium and Scotland although Rob Whittall is quoted as coming from New Zealand. Rob was riding a 1926 Triumph Model P. The Belgian rider, Ronald Florens rode the third oldest machine in this event, a Triumph Roadster 3 ½ hp of 1913 vintage. The oldest entered was a 1912 P&M combination and a New Hudson, both of 1912 vintage.

The combinations in the line up also included a 1914, 6hp Humber and a 1930 Scott. There were a handful of 1914 machines including Douglas, Norton and Triumph.

As always, there were two routes available; including a shorter flatter route for the earlier veteran machines, especially those with single speed and belt drive.

During the event, there was a flypast of a WW2 Swordfish biplane, usually under the command of the Royal Navy.

A Sunday dinner and a souvenir engraved glass tankard awaited the riders on return, thankfully all riders returned to base before the heavy rain came down.

Only the sole Douglas and the non restored Martinsyde needed to be recovered, thanks Maurice and crew for another job well done.

Thanks to the organisers, breakdown crew and Marshals, without whose help this annual event could not take place.

Neil Wyatt.

Photo, The youngest pillion passenger, Jake Earnshaw with Grandfather David Earnshaw and former N E Section President, Dennis Buckle either side. Jake was a sidecar passenger at the 2014 event.

(Photo by Neil Wyatt with thanks to Dennis Buckle and David Livesey for helping me write the report)

The 6th Golden Era Run.  Elvington Air Museum, near York on Monday 25th August 2014.  North East Section VMCC.

The Golden Era run entry was as good as expected due to clash of events. Only two breakdowns (Thanks Maurice and Co) and good food at the end. Weather dull but mostly dry.

43 entrants in the program, the oldest being John Earnshaw’s 1907, 411cc P&M. There were a total of eight pre 1915 machines in the program including the familiar sight of Noel Whittall riding a veteran Triumph, in this case a 1913 Model C.

The 1920 550cc Coulson B was back again this year, restored in York around twenty years ago as mentioned in the 2013 review. The machine now resides in Somerset.

The strokers were well represented with four Scott’s, the oldest being a 1923 486cc Squirrel.
Jim Wood’s magneto had dried out in time for this event with no spray from passing riders to stop his 1924 293cc Omega. A rare site was the 1922 680cc Model D Martinside. Almost as rare were the Norton contingent with only two in the starting line up this year with 1926 and 1928 16H’s. There must be one out there for me to make up the numbers before the sands of time run out?

With thanks to Denis Buckle for his input.

Neil Wyatt.

The Wetherby Run Results - 2015

Thanks to Jim and Tony for providing the venues for the North East Sections check points. Both check points saw over 30 machines each make a visit and as always, an opportunity for a drink, a bite (No football jokes please) and a chat. Well done chaps!

A report on the Biennial Relay Run - see the top of this web page on the link below...

Terry Parsons has replaced Dennis Buckle as Section President from the November 2013 AGM

Ethanol: Latest Update. March 2017.
It is understood that all UK pump petrol now contains 5% ethanol with the exception of ESSO Synergy Supreme+

This fuel has a red label and is not available in Scotland, the very wide Teesside area and the South West.

In North Yorkshre I can conform that Esso in Tadcaster and Esso in Bilton, Harrogate on the A59, opposite Majestic wine are both E0 with regard to Synergy Supreme+ 97 RON.

I will update when I know of any further changes.
Another option for E0 fuel is 'Aspen' that can be purchased from large garden machinery shops, expensive but E0.

Noel Whittal bookNoel Whittall has just published a book on his end to end adventures on his Model H. Copies are available from President Dennis or Noel. You will find Noel's contact details at the bottom of the Golden Era entry form. The book costs £10 of which £1 to be donated to section funds.

The Book is called

'A Stupid Thing to Do!: A Meander Up and Down England and Scotland by an Old Bloke on an Even Older Bike'

I wonder if my 16H would make it?

Also available from Amazon - W H Smith

Click the Amazon link for a mini review of Noel's book by one reader.

For further information please contact Neil Wyatt on 01904 765107

or email

Last update of this page 6/4/2024

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