
Brief History
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History of the North East Section of the VMCC

Part One (The Early Years)

Early in 1952, Jack Sizer felt the time was right for members of the VMCC in Yorkshire to join together to form a local section. Jack wrote to the Secretary: R.T Rigby about this and was informed that another member, D.A Woodrow had also expressed and interest in forming a section. The two men contacted each other to consider how to proceed.

After the exchange of letters (No e-mail & private phones were a luxury during  the early fifties) it was agreed to contact the press. Mr Woodrow would be the contact for interested parties in the North Riding (He was at this time serving with the RAF at Dishforth) and Jack Sizer would be the contact for those in the West riding of Yorkshire.

A meeting was arranged for Sunday 27th July 1952 at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe.

There is no written record of this first meeting but it is known that 15 members and interested motorcyclists turned up. Jack remembered some of the names in addition to himself in attendance and these include: Oliver Langton, Johnnie Scratcherd, J Stuart White Snr, George Reed, Ray Stubley, Ted Fargus and D.A Woodrow. Jack remembered a Jeweller from York in attendance but can’t remember a name.

Jack Stuart White, long time known to Jack Sizer proposed Jack as first chairman of the newly formed North East Section, seconded by Oliver Langton. DA Woodrow was proposed as Secretary and Ted Fargus as Treasurer. All elections were unopposed

Meetings were held monthly on the last Sunday of the Month at 2pm, a tradition that holds to date. The venue continued to be at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe.

New members were duly proposed and seconded into the club and the section grew.

The North East section’s first run was held on the last Sunday of September 1953; this was to be the Topcliffe run and remains an annual event.

20 machines were entered for this first run, starting from the Angel Hotel, lunch was taken at the Green Hammerton pub then back to the starting point.

Change came when DA Woodrow was posted and his position as Secretary was taken up by a Mr Hollins (Who rode an ex WD 1916 Harley ‘Davidson) Ted Fargus moved to Manchester and had to resign as Treasurer, between finding successors to the above, Jack Sizer looked after these positions.

The Topcliffe run went competitive in 1954 and first prize was the Hollins Trophy, donated by Mr Hollins’ Father. Ray Stubley was appointed treasurer and 1956 saw Jack Sizer sell his business in Leeds and move to Liverpool where he was appointed lecturer at Liverpool College of Technology. Mr Hollins resigned some time after Jack left the region and there then followed a long term of office for George Foggit whose memory the Topcliffe run is now dedicated to.

Neil A C Wyatt.   September 2011

My thanks to Tim Hick and Late Jack Sizer for providing me with material from the early days in order to make our history available to the world.

Thanks also to Mr P Foggitt for the loan of his photograph collection

Members are welcome to suggest additions or changes to this document.

George Reed
Jack Sizer
Oliver Langton
Ray Stubley
R Hollins

Part Two

A brief history of the North East Section of the VMCC
July 1956 to October 1987
Part 2
(The George W Foggitt era)
Edited by Neil A C Wyatt.

A brief account of the people, discussions and section events as taken from the AGM minute book:

The meetings continued to be held at the Angel hotel, Topcliffe until and including the last meeting there on 25th October 1970. The first recorded meeting on the current site of the Coronation Hall, a new building now since then was held on 31st October 1971.

Back in July 1956 with 17 members in attendance it was reported that the previous year had seen a record turnover for the club and the treasurer read from his report that the club had £8 four shillings and a half penny in hand.
It was also unanimously accepted that the NE Section of the VMCC adopt regional status. The election of officers to be in place at the next AGM were as follows: Chairman: Mr J Stewart White (Senior). Secretary: Mr G W Foggitt and Treasurer: Mr E Fargus. These minutes were signed off by outgoing Chairman Mr G A Reed.At the next the next AGM, (1957) Treasurer, Mr Fargus resigned due to work pressure (He had held this position for a number of years) but Mr J D Gascoigne volunteered to be Treasurer and was accepted.25 members attended the 1958 AGM where a successful year was reported from every point of view. Good attendance for section meetings, the best support to date for the annual dinner, a satisfactory profit from the Topcliffe rally and among other successes including awards the section met to view the Potter brothers collection of vintage and veteran cars, motorcycles and accessories. (Where are the vehicles now?)  The three officers from the previous year were re-elected for another year.31 members attended the 1959 AGM. It was reported that the Topcliffe rally had grown in popularity and had the best attendance to date. Thanks were given to Mr & Mrs Hood for their hospitality during the lunch stop. The annual dinner held at the Adelphi hotel, Harrogate was also reported as a success with numbers the highest to date. The Treasurer reported that the balance in hand had risen from just over £56 to £87, eleven Shillings and twopence. Despite the request for younger officers, nothing new there, the standing three officers were retained in place.
Mr J Stuart White Senior Chairman, Mr J.D Gascoigne as Treasurer and Mr G.W Foggitt Secretary.
Mr Fenby spoke on the next agenda item, proposing the formation of a Hull section of the VMCC which should cater for those living in the East Riding of Yorkshire and also north Lincolnshire. (Having no section of their own) The Secretary proposed and Mr Wilson seconded that ‘the North East Section should express its support and best wishes for the success and formation of the Hull Section.’
The meeting signified their unanimous approval of this proposal.
The only remaining business of the 1959 AGM was to discuss the judging of concurs machines.
The points were as follows:

  1. concuors contests following a run should involve the machine being judged in the condition it finished the run.
  2. Judges should take into account if the machine had been ridden to the event, rather than brought on a trailer.
  3. Judges should at all times be prepared at all times to give their reasons for decisions if requested by competitors.

33 members attended the 1960 AGM, held at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe on Sunday 3rd July 1960.
With Mr Stuart White Senior in the Chair, apologies for absence were given on behalf of Messers Dyson and Reed.
The Secretary reported that 1959/60 had been a busy and successful year with a steadily increasing membership.and a slight profit for the year.
This had been the first year of operation for the East Riding (Now East Yorkshire) and North Lancashire sections and their efforts so far augured well for the future.
Notably among the competitive successes was where the Joe Tite Memorial Trophy was awarded to Bob Green as the youngest competitor in the 1959 Banbury Run.
The Regions 1959 Topcliffe Rally was the biggest attendance to date with an increasing representation from outside the region.  Special thanks to George Hood who held the run lunch stop at his farm. Also thanks to the North Leeds MC and Triumph owners club who had given valuable assistance as checkers at this event.
Winter meetings were understood to be held in York where colour slides were shown by various members.
The Section was sorry to lose Mr Hannam of Harrogate who died shortly before Christmas.
On a more cheerful note, the section recorded the Marriage of the Treasurer (Jack D Gascoigne) and wished him and his wife every happiness.
The Treasurer reported that that the year had ended with £88.  11 shillings and a penny, a profit of 19 shillings and 11d.
The election of officers proved interesting with the Chairman stating that he was in his 83rd year and thought he should stand down. The members thought otherwise and J Stuart White Senior was elected for a further year.
Secretary George W Foggitt and Treasurer J D Gascoigne both wished to remain in place.  Walter Green proposed and George Moleneoux seconded and a vote of thanks given for their past services.The 1960 AGM ended with a discussion on the number of events run by this section and adjoining regions. A committee was formed to look into co-ordinating events, those being Messrs, Barnet, Brown  Moleneoux and Wilson. This proposal was put to the meeting and accepted unanimously.

The 1961 AGM was held at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe on Sunday 2nd July. There were 21 members present. Mr J Stuart White (Senior) was in place as Chairman from the previous AGM.  Apologies were received from Messers Dean, W Green, T Potter and Workman. New member, Mr Noel Whittall was welcomed to the Region.
The Secretary gave his report of the past years activities:
A busy year in which saw a steady increase in members continued.  Financially there had been a slight loss on the year, which would be covered in the treasurers report.
In the competitive sphere; members of the region had continued to uphold their past successful record in events in many parts of the country. Walter Green’s beautifully restored 1912 BSA was gradually gaining a country wide reputation in concourse events and not just for static display but ridden in events with some success. The Region were successful in events including concourse and competitive events such as the 100 mile trial and the Ilkley Veterans Reunion Trial.
Our own activities had increased in number , the 1960 Topcliffe rally had attracted a very satisfactory entry and thanks to the program sellers, had made a small profit.
Keith Bastow arranged two night trials, the Colton night trials; the first in September 1960 and the second in May 1961. This was an entirely new event, thought up and arranged by Keith and one or two willing helpers. Unfortunately, both of these events proved to be less financially viable due to entry numbers in both cases but never the less both events had been thoroughly enjoyed by those who took part in them.
The Regions Annual Dinner had again been held at the Adelphi Hotel, Harrogate, where we had been fed well and entertained afterwards with a film show by Jack Stuart White who showed us films loned by Harold Wood and Eric Thompson.  The raffle at the dinner had been run by the ladies and this had been most successful in every way.
The Secretary closed his report with a vote of thanks to club members, without whose help it would not have been possible to run the meetings and events of the region.Mr Wilson proposed that the Secretaries report be adopted and a vote of thanks be recorded to the Secretary for his report and for his services over the past year. This was duly seconded and carried.The Treasurer then presented his report.
As the Secretary had already mentioned, there had been a loss over the year of  just over £10. With £78. 7.8d in hand at the date of the meeting in place of £88. 11.1d at the previous years AGM.
The loss was more than accounted for by the loss on the two Colton night trials, which had taken place within the period of the 1960 and 1961 AGM’s.
The total loss on these two events was just over £16 and members would appreciate that it was unlikely that in future there would not be two events in the one period . It was also hoped that in future this event would receive better support in which case the loss would be appreciably reduced.
The Topcliffe Rally had shown a slight profit and thanks to the efforts of the ladies who had run the raffle at the dinner and to the generosity of those who donated prizes, the dinner and raffle together had shown a very satisfactory profit. There was a slight increase in the cost of stationery and postage over the year but this was more than accounted for by the increasing membership.G Foggitt proposed and R Stubley seconded that the Treasurers report be accepted and a vote of thanks recorded to the Treasurer for the report.  This was adopted.Next came the election of officers:
Mr Stuart White (Senior) who had been Chairman of the Region since 1956 and not of the best of health for some Months and had previously tendered his resignation as Chairman and the members had reluctantly accepted his resignation.  Therefore a new chairman was required. No volunteers were forthcoming but Mr E R Stubley was suggested.  Some persuasive talking was necessary that allowed Mr Stubley to have his name go forward. On the understanding that if elected it would be his wish that affairs of the region be conducted with the minimum of formality. Mr Stubley was unanimously elected as Chairman of the North East Region.
Hon Secretary and Treasurer Mr GW Foggitt and Mr JD Gascoigne respectively.
Discussion as to whether a committee was necessary to run the region was concluded that the monthly meetings served that purpose and that members could be co-opted if necessary for any specific purpose, therefore no committee elected.It was decided that a Christmas dinner would replace the annual dinner. A committee was elected to oversee this event: G E Molineux, W D Metcalfe and R Stuart White.Included in ‘any other business’ was the decision to take out an insurance policy on the Regions trophies. Mr Hardcastle said he would be prepared to make a valuation of the trophies if they could all be gathered together. Most of the trophies would be on show at the annual dinner.Mr Keith Bastow raised the question of running a mid week meeting during the winter months for the benefit of those members who could not attend weekend meetings. Keith said that he and Ken Swift would be prepared to undertake the organisation of such meetings if the Region were to prepared to give the go ahead. Region agreed and these meetings would be given full publicity.Mr Colin Hunter then proposed a vote of thanks to retiring Chairman, Mr J Stuart White and wished him a quick return to full heath.Mr Keith Bastow  said that he has recently bought a nice camera and would make a nice film of the Topcliffe rally if the club would pay for the film. The club agreed.Mr Colin Hunter reminded members that next Wednesday was the closing date for entries for the Wetherby rally.

The 1962 AGM was held at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe on Sunday 1st July. The meeting commenced at 3:10pm with an attendance of 29 members.
Before the meeting started there was a few moments of silence in memory of George Kendrew, whose death had occurred shortly before the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Messers Fenton, Clarke, Reed, Lamb and Allott.
The secretary reported that the past year had been a successful one financially and that membership continued to increase. Members from the Region had continued to support events of all sorts in many parts of the country and scored a very fair share of awards they had entered. Our activities within the
Region had been steadily widening in scope.
Four competitive events had been run by the Region:
The Topcliffe Rally and the Colton Night Trial were now annual events but the scope of our competitive activities had been widened with two trials, one at Post Hill, by courtesy of the West Leeds Motor Club and one at East Biesley by courtesy of Harry Rhodes. Both of these trials had been organised  by Keith Bestow and Ken Swift together with a number of willing helpers who had acted as observers and marshals.
Other activities had been the annual dinner and prize giving, a series of mid week meetings were held throughout the winter months at the /conservative Club, Pudsey and now organised by Keith Bastow, aided by his wide and Ken Swift. Regular Monthly meetings continued at Topcliffe or York.With the Secretaries report unanimously adopted, the Treasurer in his report said the financial position had improved appreciably since the last AGM as the Region had £96-13-11 against £78-7—8 at the previous AGM.
In the election, Mr Stubley felt that the Chairmanship should pass to someone else. However, Mr Stubley was proposed and seconded to stand for another year, unanimously accepted.
Mr G W Foggitt and Mr J D Gascoigne said they were prepared to stand as Secretary and Treasurer and were re-elected before they had time to change their minds.

The 1963 AGM  The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 21 July.
Apologies were received from Messers Fenton, Fairbank and Stuart White (Senior)
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes  and the Secretary went on to read his report..
The past year had been one of increasing membership and members had given good support to the Region, other Regions and Sections.
Amongst events run by the Region were the Topcliffe Rally, Post Hill Trial. And the  Colton night trial.
Thanks to the West Leeds club for the use of their land and Mr Harry Roads.
The treasurer reportd that the balance in hand was now £101-18-1.
In the election of officers: E.R Stubley (Chairman) G.W Foggitt (Secretary) and J.D Gascoigne (Treasurer) were all re-elected.
In any other business it was reported that Mr Read was very ill in Poppleton Gate  hospital , Acomb, York.

The 1964 AGM  The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 5 July.
24 members were in attendance. Apologies were received from Messers: W Green, JRS White and J Fenton. Again, there had been an increase in membership and it was very satisfactory to report  that many of the new member were supporting events organised by the Region and by other Regions and Sections of the VMCC.
The Treasurer reported that there had been a slight profit  over the year. The balance now stood at £109-5-7.
The committee were once again re-elected.

The 1965 AGM  The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 18 July.
17 members were in attendance. Apologies were received from Messers: Barstow, Fenton, Swan, White and Whittall.
Again, the Region was still growing in members.
The Treasurer reported a slight loss in funds.
Once again the committee was re-elected unanimously.

The 1966 AGM The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 13 July.
28 members were in attendance. Apologies were received from Messers: Wittall and Stuart White.
The Secretary reported that membership both of the club and the Region were increasing.
Two deaths during the year included Bill Metcalfe, G A Shaw from Knarsborough and Mr Colman  of Pickering.
Monthly meetings had received steady support with usual attendances varying from 25 to 30 and higher when films and slide shows had been arranged.
The National AGM had seen the revision of the club dateline to the acceptance of more than 25 years  the regions policy was to organise events to the old dateline. (Pre-1931 Ed)
The Topcliffe rally had to be re-routed because some of the route was within the National park  and the use of the Sutton Bank car park could not be permitted
Once again the committee were re-elected.

The 1967 AGM The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 9 July.
37 members were in attendance. Apologies for absence were received from Messers: Gascoigne, Hardcastle and Whittall.
The Secretary gave the Treasures report in his absence. The details were given to the Secretary by phone. There had been a loss of approximately £10 on the year. Reducing the loss, the Annual dinner made a profit of £29-5-0.
The Sheffield Section had their first Annual Dinner and things were looking good for the future of this Section.
The Region’s committee were once again re-elected.

The 1968 AGM The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 29 September.
34 members were in attendance. Apologies were received from Chairman Ray Stubley and Messers Haigh, Nolan and Wittall.
In the absence of the Chairman the meeting was presided over by the Treasurer.
The Chairman reported that the date of this meeting had been changed from the traditional date in July due partly to the demands of the holiday period and partly due to the great increase in events during the Summer months. That made it increasingly difficult to fit in meetings. In addition to two Whitby Regatta rallies there had been two Topcliffe ralies and in 1967 a Filey rally was added to the calendar.
The 1968 Topcliffe rally had become a road safety rally due to not having clearance from the RAC for a timed event.
Colin Hunter presided as auctioneer at our sales event. (Something Colin continued with up until his final year. Ed)
Edgar Bennet had been ill for some time and did not seem to be making any progress.
The Treasurer reported a healthy balance of £145-19-3
The committee were once again re-elected though Secretary Mr Foggitt did state that he was finding considerable difficulty in finding time to devote  to the job the attention it really required.
Jack Stuart White proposed a vote of thanks to be recorded to the three officers for their services during the past year.

The 1969 AGM The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 28 September.
30 members were in attendance. Apologies received from Messers Workman,.Brooksbank and Noble.
Some changes were made to the committee to take effect in February 1970. This was that Colin Hunter would become Secretary and George W Foggitt become Chairman while Mr Gascoigne remained for the year as Treasurer.
The bring and buy sale, which Colin Hunter presided over raised £26-16-0. However the Treasurer reported an overall loss on the year with the balance now standing at £121-2-5.

The 1970 AGM The Angel Hotel, Topcliffe. Sunday 25 October.
31 members singed in and apologies were received from: J Noble, E Workman, M Jobs and  B Allot.
The Topcliffe rally had attracted  and entry of over 50. The new Secretary (Colin Hunter) expressed his appreciation of help shown by members during his first few months in office.
The Treasurer reported that with a balance of £121-19-5  for the Region the financial state is quite sound.. The election of officers was quickly dealt with: Chairman G W Foggitt, Treasurer J D Gascoigne and Secretary C Hunter were unanimously elected. Proposed by T Metcalfe and seconded by W Haigh.

The 1971 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 31 October.
34 members signed in. Apologies were received from: J Stuart White, Oliver Langton, E.B Workman, Tom Potter and Noel Whittall.
The Treasurer reported that we were still in a comfortable position with a balance of £135-99. (Note the move to decimalisation fro, February 1971 Ed)
The committee was returned once again unanimously.

The 1972 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 29 October.
35 members signed in. Apologies received from M Rispin and W Walker.
The treasurer showed copies of the balance sheet, showing the Region was still in a comfortable position, increasing the previous years balance by £43 to £178.20.
Chairman George W Foggitt, Secretary Colin Hunter and Treasurer Jack Gascoigne Were unanimously re-elected and also the emergency committee of: C Pinder, T Metcalfe, D Earnshaw, R Stubley,
A Wynn, J Stuart White and C Marston.
The menu for the Annual Dinner in Knaresborough in February was discussed. Agreed on Turkey with tickets at £1.25. A film to be shown by Paul Mellor was to be booked while the ladies organised the raffle.

The 1973 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 28 October.
George Foggitt as Chairman welcomed Walter Green, President of the VMCC.
Thirty five members were present and apologies received from: J Butterfield, Colin Pinder, Keith Bastow, Jim Noble, Ken Rutter and Bill Walker, all duly accepted.
Secretary Colin Hunter reported that Topcliffe received a record entry and thanked the ladies contribution, led by Mrs Nixon.
Treasurer, Jack Gascoigne announced that the Region’s finances were in a healthy state with a balance up over £90 on the previous year to £264.36. Contributing factors to financial success were the bring and buy sale (These days called the auction. Ed) and the annual dinner raffle.
There was a change of Chairman at this time where Walter Green, National President of the VMCC succeeded George Foggitt as Chairman of what was now to be called the North East Section.
Colin Hunter remained as Secretary and Jack Gascoigne as Treasurer.
George Foggitt was to remain on the emergency committee establishes a few years ago, along with C Pinder, T Metcalfe, D Earnshaw, A Wynn, C Marston and John Barker.
R Stubly and J Stewart White retired for domestic reasons.
The George Reed Scott was to remain in the care of Colin Pinder as there were no new volunteers.
In view of his long service as Secretary and Chairman, it was unanimously agreed to present George W Foggitt with an engraved watch.

The 1974 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 27 October.
44 members were signed in. Apologies were received from Maurice Rispin, Gilbert Robinson, Frank Bancroft, T Brooksbank, Bill Walker, and Colin Pinder, all duly accepted.
The Chairman reported another successful year including a Topcliffe rally, which attracted 90 entrants.
The Treasurer, Mr Jack Gascoigne, reported a Section balance of £308, over £40 up on the previous year. Walter Green was re elected as Chairman, Colin Hunter as Secretary and Jack Gascoigne as Treasurer. At this meeting it was decided to move the bring and buy sale (Auction) to pre riding season (March)
Where it remains.  (Hoax plan- test demics permitting. ED)

The 1975 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 2 November.
44 members signed in, there were no apologies received.
The Secretary reported that the Topcliffe rally had been a bumper event with 96 entries and an excellent lunch stop laid on by Harold and Mabel Nixon and their team of willing helpers.
The treasurer reported that Section finances had increased by over £70 on the previous year to £382.
The officers of the Section were re-elected en bloc unanimously.
The sale of books and magazines was debated with regard to the bring and buy sale. The point being that they took up time and did not mix with oily parts etc.
Bill Walker took over custody of the George Reed Scott. On behalf of the Section.

The 1976 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 31 October.
43 members signed in. Apologies from K Barstow, GPH Dysan and Cyril Hunter.
Another successful year in excellent weather at events with large attendance’s at the Wetherby and Topclife.
The Treasurer reported another increase in funds of £431, an increase of  £49 on the previous year.
GW Foggitt and E Lofthouse proposed that the existing Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer be re-elected. As there were no other nominations: Walter Green, Colin Hunter and Jack Gascoigne were duly re-elected.
As the 1977 International Rally would be held in Harrogate on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July 1977 it was agreed that we would take out a joint advert in the program.
Maurice Rispin informed the meeting that Barbara Cummings was now the General Secretary of the Scott owners club..

The 1977 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 30 October.
42 members signed in. Apologies received from: Ronald H Clerk, Eric Workman and Richard Knight.
The Secretary reported that the Jubilee year had been busy with the Topcliffe rally passing 100 entrants. The VMCC International even at Harrogate a major event with many awards taken by the Section.
The Treasurer reported another healthy balance sheet with the fund increasing to £500, an increase of £69. The committee were re-elected en bloc and Barrie Barker as Trophies / Awards   Secretary.

The 1978 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 29 October.
38 members signed in. Apologies were received from W Walker, H Heath and P Hawkins.
Harold and Mabel Nixon had gracefully retired from Catering and this position was taken over by Bill and Mrs Walker.
The Treasurer reported a balance of £385, over £100 down on the previous year but  we had bought our own projector and made a donation to cancer research.
There being no other volunteers for the officials positions, Ray Stubley proposed and seconded by Maurice Rispin that Walter Green remained as Chairman, Colin Hunter as Secretary and Jack Gascoigne as Treasurer with Barrie Barker as Awards Secretary.
The emergency committee was to stand as in previous years: C Pinder, T Metcalfe, D Earnshaw, A Wynn, R B Field, C G Marston, G W Foggitt and J D Barker.
With regards to the 1979 calendar: Cyril Marston and seconded by Arthur Wynn asked for the Topcliffe rally to be changed to 5th August to avoid clashing with the Castle Howard Steam Rally.23 to 6 carried.

The 1979 AGM The Coronation Hall Boroughbridge. Sunday 28 October.
34 members signed in. Apologies received from: W Walker, D Hudson, M Rispin, R Greson and D Earnshaw. The 1978 minutes were read.
The balance at the bank was over £100 up on the previous year to £497. The main sources of income being the annual bring and buy auction the book auction and donations from the steam rally.
The main expenses had been the hire of the Coronation Hall, trophies for Topclife and donations to deserving causes. (Cancer research and brittle bone) The raffle and dinner also helped resources.
The Chairman gave a brief report thanking members for their continued support at meetings and rallies and also the ladies for their hard work behind the scenes at meetings and particularly the auction.
The Secretary had given his report in the letter but endorsed the Chairman’s thanks and repeated for more help out the previous year.
Duly proposed E Lofthouse and seconded by R.H Clark that the present officials be elected en block. Unanimously accepted.
The 1980 dinner menu was decided upon and duly proposed by RH Clark and seconded by C Hunter. Ticket price of £4 was proposed by G W Foggitt and seconded by C Hunter. Guests included Steam Rally organisers, H & M Nixon, Eddie Flintoff and Mick Grant and Carol.
As Harold Nixon had been unable to use the George Read Scott it was duly proposed that John Barker take it over to get it roadworthy. Thanks to John for his offer. Chairman Walter Green and Secretary Colin Hunter

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